ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Month: April 2024 logo

Identifying the Socioeconomic and Demographic factors affecting the Maternal health care and delivery types of Santal women’s of Dinajpur, Bangladesh Md. Sabuj Ali, A.S.M. Abu Saeed, Mst. Dilara Pervin, Shahanaj Parvin, Md. Ziaul Hassan, Mst Wahida Parvin, Sumyia Hasan, & Mithun Chandro Roy

Identifying the Socioeconomic and Demographic factors affecting the Maternal health care and delivery types of Santal women’s of Dinajpur, Bangladesh Author (s) Md. Sabuj Ali, A.S.M. Abu Saeed, Mst. Dilara…

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