ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Evaluating the Impact of Trade Agreements on Economic Growth and Employment in Sierra Leone

Author (s)

Alimamy Kargbo


This study uses time series data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators from 2013 to 2023 to examine how trade agreements affect Sierra Leone’s economic development and job creation. The results, which highlight the significance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in this connection, show a positive correlation between trade agreements and GDP growth using the OLS and PraisWinsten regression techniques. Although trade agreements generally have a favorable effect, high import levels may have a detrimental effect on GDP growth. These results provide important information for policymakers who want to maximize the economic gains from trade agreements while successfully controlling import levels to promote employment and national growth objectives.

Key words: Trade Agreements, Economic Growth, Sierra Leone, Employment, Foreign Direct Investment.

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Title: Evaluating the Impact of Trade Agreements on Economic Growth and Employment in Sierra Leone
Author: Alimamy Kargbo
Journal Name: Journal of Scientific Reports
Publisher IJSAB International
Media: Online
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Acceptance Date: 09/11/2024
Date of Publication: 12/11/2024
Free download: Available
Page: 257-269
First Page: 257
Last Page: 269
Paper Type: Research Paper
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Kargbo, A. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Trade Agreements on Economic Growth and Employment in Sierra Leone, Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(1), 257-269. DOI:

About Author (s)

Alimamy Kargbo, School of government, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China. ORCID:


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