ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Globalization: Blessing or Curse for the Economy of the Developing Countries?


Md. Sabit Bin Islam & Mushfiqul Haque Mukit


Nowadays globalization is a debatable topic regarding the economic growth of the developing countries around the world. This paper tries to determine the aspects associated with this argument and explains the effects of globalization in the developing countries in three important and co-related fields i.e. economic and trade processes, education and health systems and culture on the basis of some of the scholars’ arguments expressed on the subject. In the recent past, there have been the pros and cons of globalization in developing countries. Some argue that globalization is indeed a curse to the developing countries as it can neither be rejected nor fully be applied to its national policy. However, many others suggest that globalization should be looked at in all its manifestations and from different angles it is a blessing for those countries. In order to address this issue, when considered from the economic perspective, the negative economic impacts of globalization should be minimized and exportable capacity of the developing countries’ economy in the global market should be maximized in a gradual manner. In practice the study will give the practitioners and the relevant part the knowledge to improve business in developing countries.

Key words: Globalization, Liberalization, Capitalism, Poverty, Inequality and Developing Countries.

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Globalization: Blessing or Curse for the Economy of the Developing Countries?


Md. Sabit Bin Islam & Mushfiqul Haque Mukit

Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Acceptance Date: 08/01/2019
Date of Publication: 10/01/2019
Free download: Available
Page: 29-36
First Page: 29
Last Page: 36
Current Status: Published

Cite This Article:

Islam, M. S. B. & Mukit, M. H. (2019) Globalization: A blessing or a curse for the economy of the developing countries? . International Journal of Science and Business,3(1), 29-36. doi:

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About Authors

Md. Sabit Bin Islam (Corresponding Author), Master of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mushfiqul Haque Mukit, MA in Economics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh



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