ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

The Impact of urbanization on banking development: Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)

 Author (s)

Anouba Acha Arnaud, Huang Dechun, Haihua Ying & Koffi Yao Stephane Landry


The paper aims to investigate the extent to which urbanization and industrialization affect bank development in the WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union). To meet the goal of this study, we used the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimator, which requires long run coefficients to be similar but allows short run coefficients and error variances to fluctuate among groups. The sample of the study is composed of 7 countries, with Guinea-Bissau excluded, due to the absence of data on the period from 1980-2016. The results revealed that urbanization has a positive effect on banking development in the WAEMU. This intuitive relationship is linked to the fact that, as the urban population grows, the relative demand for financial services also grows. Also, industrialization has a good impact on banking development. In terms of policy implications, the study calls on governments to create the necessary conditions for successful urbanization to benefit the development of banks in the WAEMU zone.

Keywords: Urbanization, Banking development, Industrialization, PMG method, WAEMU.

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Title: The Impact of urbanization on banking development: Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
Author: Anouba Acha Arnaud, Huang Dechun, Haihua Ying & Koffi Yao Stephane Landry
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Issue publication (Year): 2023
Acceptance Date: 26/03/2023
Date of Publication: 30/03/2023
Free download: Available
Page: 1-13
First Page: 1
Last Page: 13
Paper Type: Research paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Anouba Acha Arnaud, Huang Dechun, Haihua Ying & Koffi Yao Stephane Landry (2023). The Impact of urbanization on banking development: Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). International Journal of Science and Business, 22(1), 1-13. doi:

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About Author (s)

Anouba Acha Arnaud, (Corresponding Author), Business School of Hohai University, Nanjing-21100, China.

Huang Dechun, Institute of Industrial Economics, Hohai University, Nanjing-21100, China.

Haihua Ying, International College, Hohai university, Nanjing, 210098, China.

Koffi Yao Stephane Landry, School of foreign language, Yangtze normal university, Chongqing, Fuling, China.


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