ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Sustainability and its role in enhancing the efficiency of human resource management in Iraqi organizations

 Author (s)

Sabeeh Nadhim Matrood


The main challenge faced by the current generation is the need to adopt safe practices in resource management in order to sustain life on earth. This involves utilizing renewable resources exclusively and taking care not to exhaust the limited resources available for environmental development. Developing countries, in particular, are prone to wasting resources, especially human resources, due to their focus on modern technology and production methods. Iraq, in particular, is under pressure to make economic developments that are sustainable. Therefore, it is important to direct efforts towards developing all possible economic resources in Iraq, with a special focus on human resources.

Keywords: Sustainability, human resources, management, efficiency, Iraq economics.

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Title: Sustainability and its role in enhancing the efficiency of human resource management in Iraqi organizations
Author: Sabeeh Nadhim Matrood
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 28
Issue: 1
Issue publication (Year): 2023
Acceptance Date: 20/09/2023
Date of Publication: 27/09/2023
Free download: Available
Page: 161-169
First Page: 161
Last Page: 169
Paper Type: Research paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Sabeeh Nadhim Matrood (2023). Sustainability and its role in enhancing the efficiency of human resource management in Iraqi organizations. International Journal of Science and Business, 28 (1), 161-169. doi:

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About Author (s)

Sabeeh Nadhim Matrood, Lecturer, Al Muthanna University, Samawah, Al Muthanna Province, Iraq.


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