ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Human Diseases Detection Based On Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review

Author (s)

Nareen O. M. Salim & Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez


­One of the most significant subjects of society is human healthcare. It is looking for the best one and robust disease diagnosis to get the care they need as soon as possible. Other fields, such as statistics and computer science, are needed for the health aspect of searching since this recognition is often complicated. The task of following new approaches is challenging these disciplines, moving beyond the conventional ones. The actual number of new techniques makes it possible to provide a broad overview that avoids particular aspects. To this end, we suggest a systematic analysis of human diseases related to machine learning. This research concentrates on existing techniques related to machine learning growth applied to the diagnosis of human illnesses in the medical field to discover exciting trends, make unimportant predictions, and help decision-making. This paper analyzes unique machine learning algorithms used for healthcare applications to create adequate decision support. This paper intends to reduce the research gap in creating a realistic decision support system for medical applications.

 Keywords: Human disease, Healthcare, Machine learning, Deep learning, Convolutional Neural Networks.

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Title: Human Diseases Detection Based On Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review
Author: Nareen O. M. Salim & Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Acceptance Date: 19/01/2021
Date of Publication: 25/01/2021
Free download: Available
Page: 102-113
First Page: 102
Last Page: 113
Paper Type: Literature Review
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Nareen O. M. Salim & Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez (2021). Human Diseases Detection Based On Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review. International Journal of Science and Business, 5(2), 102-113. doi:

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About Author (s)

Nareen O. M. Salim, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez (corresponding author), Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Email:


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