ISSN: IJSB: 2520-4750 (Online), 2521-3040 (Print); JSR : 2708-7085 (online)

Food habit and health problems among brick field workers in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh

Author (s)

Abu Ansar Md. Rizwan, Mohammad Shamsul Huda, Md. Abdul Mazid Azad, Omar Ali, Suparna Das Toma, Minhaj Uddin, & Mohammed Syful Islam



Brick bricks are an unsafe and dangerous workplace. The type of work exposes employees to hazardous environments and working conditions. The workers here work in an unhygienic and unsafe condition, that affects their dietary consumption and nutritional status. This study is a comprehensive nationally representative study which aimed to assess the food habit and health problems of brick field workers in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. It was a cross-sectional descriptive type of study which was conducted at Cox’s Bazar brick field with participation of 126 randomly selected brick field workers who were working in the selected brick field for more than a year. For this study, their food habit and health profile data were collected and data was analyzed using SPSS software. Brickfield workers work under high physical and biomechanical pressure for a long time (8-9 hours). Among all the 126 workers, protein consumption was found very poor and most of the workers usually skipped their breakfast. Majority of them were suffering from back pain and many of them had muscle pain, weakness and common cold. Overall Key aspects derived from the study. Example, Overall, 2 in 10 workers consumed protein rich food regularly and two-fifth of them were suffering from back pain due to heavy workload. The workers should be provided food and health service for their better nutrition and health condition so that some decent work can be ensured.

 Keywords: Food habit, health problems, brick field workers, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.


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Title: Food habit and health problems among brick field workers in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh
Author: Abu Ansar Md. Rizwan, Mohammad Shamsul Huda, Md. Abdul Mazid Azad, Omar Ali, Suparna Das Toma, Minhaj Uddin, & Mohammed Syful Islam
Journal Name: International Journal of Science and Business
ISSN: ISSN 2520-4750 (Online), ISSN 2521-3040 (Print)
Media: Online
Volume: 5
Issue: 9
Acceptance Date: 26/08/2021
Date of Publication: 31/08/2021
Free download: Available
Page: 112-117
First Page: 112
Last Page: 117
Paper Type: Research Paper
Current Status: Published


Cite This Article:

Abu Ansar Md. Rizwan, Mohammad Shamsul Huda, Md. Abdul Mazid Azad, Omar Ali, Suparna Das Toma, Minhaj Uddin, & Mohammed Syful Islam (2021). Food habit and health problems among brick field workers in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Business, 5(9), 112-117. doi:

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About Author (s)

Abu Ansar Md. Rizwan (corresponding author), Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Mohammad Shamsul Huda, Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Md. Abdul Mazid Azad, Save the Children, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Omar Ali, Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Suparna Das Toma, Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Minhaj Uddin, Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Mohammed Syful Islam, Social Assistance & Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV), Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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